Supporting the wellbeing of our business community
A confidential counselling service that extends to Cleland Hancox clients
We recognise that being a business owner comes with periods of change, challenge and uncertainty. Financial advice plays an important part in gaining clarity, but we know that beyond that, building resilience and prioritising your own wellbeing is essential.
In conjunction with Walker Wayland Australia, we proudly offer Acacia Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to our staff, clients and their families to support happier, healthier workplaces.
What is EAP?
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service offered to employees of a company to deal with personal or work-related issues in a positive way. EAP provides counselling through a separate organisation as opposed to an in-house counsellor, to allow confidential assistance to employees. EAP involves short-term counselling to assist in overcoming life’s challenges and help return employees to a better state of emotional well-being.
EAPs such as the one we have selected, provide assistance for a number of issues that may affect employees, their families or clients including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress management
- Relationship & marriage difficulties
- Family & parenting issues
- Grief & loss
- Illness adjustment & management
- Addiction & substance abuse
- Work related stress
- Financial coaching
- Legal referral
- Sleep disorders
- Dietitian support
- Eating disorders
- Domestic violence
- Mental illness
EAP is completely confidential
Acacia EAP is an independent provider which ensures counselling sessions remain completely confidential. In accordance with the Privacy Act, Acacia EAP never disclose personal details to anyone without written consent.
Acacia EAP also does not disclose any information relating to sessions to managers or employers. Individual names are never disclosed unless consent is given to advise them. The service is highly confidential.

How does EAP work?
The EAP engaged by Cleland Hancox Limited involves short term counselling of up to 3 hours counselling per client/employee/family unit per year. The cost of sessions is free of charge for our clients, as it is covered by the company.
Appointments can be arranged at several locations or via phone. Video link and live chats are also available if more convenient with a 24-hour hotline available.
How can you access EAP as a Cleland Hancox client?
These services are extended to all clients of Cleland Hancox, if they require assistance. We encourage any clients who wish to find out more information about the program to contact us and we can provide further information for accessing support.